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Colorado Trail Segment 3 – Winter Solitude

It’s cold and there is fresh snow on the ground, but it’s Colorado, so the sun is shining and it’s a perfect day for a hike.  There’s too much snow for the mountain bikers and not enough for the snowshoers so I get the trail all to myself.  That’s exactly how I like it.

With my faithful companion, Fluffy Dog, I set out on the trail to finally finish Section 3 of the Colorado Trail.  The trail starts at the Little Scraggy Trailhead and rolls through ponderosa pine forests.  It winds around the sides of hills and up and down drainages until its terminus at Rolling Creek.

Rocky peaks, composed of well worn rubble dominate the landscape.  The lower reaches are strewn with boulders wearing blankets of snow.  Remnants of ancient peaks, they are reminders that the mountains are no more eternal than we are, just longer lived.  Now and then, there is a a glimpse of the snow capped mountains through the trees.

The cloudless sky is a shade of brilliant blue that I’ve only ever seen in winter.  The sun throws long shadows, even at midday and it’s low angled rays glide over the snow making it sparkle like precious gems.  The stark white of the snow contrasts sharply with the conifers making the green needles and the red bark of the ponderosas appear deeply saturated.  Here and there the trees let loose a silvery cascade of snow dust.  I stop and watch the show until a nearby tree decided to loose it’s cold, shimmery gifts upon my head.

The going is slower than usual because of the snow, but I don’t mind.  There is something extra special about hiking after a fresh snowfall.  With the crystalline carpet muffling the rustling of the trees and brush, the silence overwhelms the senses.  Even the streams are quiet.  No babbling brooks chattering on their course, there is only a muted glug, glug as the water makes it’s way under the ice.  Punctuating the silence are the sounds of mountain song birds, clearer and brighter than what you hear in summer, and a lone woodpecker is tap, tap, tapping in search of grubs.

And, oh the happy puppy dog!  He’s unfettered to frolic freely in the snow.  He’s bounding through the forest after who knows what.  Oh look, he found a deer leg.  Hope the critter that left it isn’t still around.

It takes some route finding to find my way through the forest with the trail obscured by snow, but the path is well worn and the depressions left by thousands of footsteps are not too hard to follow.  I make my way through this cold, white Eden contemplating all and nothing.  The landscape is beautiful and silent and the peace it brings my soul is unmeasured.  I leave this place and return to the bustle of “real life” but it lingers in my mind and I am restless and anxious to return to the woods to find that peace again.

Happy Trails,




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